Month: July 2017
7 posts
New Hybrid Features in Configuration Manager 1706
A Friday is not just a Friday for a Configuration Manager Consultant or Administrator. At least once or…
Intune support reminder for Windows Phone, iOS and Android
Two months ago, Microsoft announced that the minimum support level for Windows Phone, iOS and Android will be…
How to enroll the NDES Connector for Intune on Windows Server 2016
Configuring the NDES Connector for Microsoft Intune can be painful on a vanilla Windows Server 2016. After installing…
Block apps to use cellular data via Microsoft Intune
Today I noticed that some nice features were added to the device restriction profiles in the new Intune…
Improved way of deploying Office 365 to Windows 10 via Microsoft Intune
Microsoft Intune has a new way of deploying Office 365 Pro Plus for Windows 10. A new option…
Awesome resources to secure your Macs (a.o.) via Configuration Manager
Last MMS back in May I presented a sponsor session of Parallels together with Danny Knox from Parallels…
Re-awarded as an Enterprise Mobility Microsoft MVP for the 6th time
In the last five years I was awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award every first of…