Next week I will be speaking for the third time at BriForum. This time the event will be held at the Seaport Hotel in Boston. At this three day event I will be speaking about how to secure your apps and data with Microsoft Enterprise Mobility +Security and during the second session we will be looking what management options for Windows 10 are the best for you. Really looking forward to be back at BriForum, unfortunately the last one. 🙁
The last one since co-founder Brian Madden announced that he is taking a break after BriForum and leaving the IT industry (for a while) and TechTarget. It’s a pity that I only was able to join BriForum three times, around this event is a real great and active community is in place. A community with not only a focus on Microsoft but also Citrix, VMware and other end user computing, desktop virtualization and enterprise mobility related products. Different views, different focuses but all great minds 🙂

So the 20th BriForum will be a memorable last edition.. Keep you posted next week, and if you are in Boston be sure to stop by and say hi!